Saturday, March 2, 2013

The Media Player you Probably Never Knew of

There are a lot of media player software out there, each with different special features and functionalities. Obviously, some have more extended uses than the others and some support more codecs than the others but VLC media playerseems to be able to perform any media related task thrown at it. Apart from supporting virtually all audio and video file formats you can think of VLC media player can do all sort of things like:

  1. Open live network streams (audio and video)

  2. Broadcast a video or audio stream from your computer over the internet

  3. Take snapshots of videos while watching

  4. Convert between different audio and video formats using the in-built media converter

  5. Cut/record segments of a video and save it as a seperate video file

I have also mentioned that VLC supports most audio and video formats computers use (which is the main reason why you get it). Point your browser here to download the software.

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